Oxford and Cambridge Musical Club
The Club was founded in 1899, when graduates of the two universities set up a residential Club in London where they could continue to make music after leaving university. Today the links are confined to the Club's name and history, and to become a member there is no need to have had any connection with Oxford or Cambridge. Concerts (about twice a month) take place in University College London and some central London churches. Most consist of items for smaller groups of performers, such as chamber works, songs, piano pieces and ensembles. Concerts are sometimes themed, and often feature lesser known repertoire. The Club maintains an association with UCL Chamber Music Club.
Larger scale concerts include concertos, symphonies and choral music. Since 1956 there has been a tradition for an annual concert performance of an opera with orchestra. Most years feature a Concerto Workshop in which members perform a number of concertos with an orchestra playing at sight. The Annual General Meeting, held in the autumn, is traditionally followed by a short concert of ensemble items.
The Club is run by a committee. There are designated coordinators for each instrumental group. The majority of concerts are organised by club members, under the aegis of the Music Secretary. Concerts are private, but guests are welcome.