Introduction to the 2024-25 season
It's my pleasure to unveil the programme for the OCMC 2024-25 season. The 2023-24 season closed with a substantial sequence of works for string orchestra with various soloists, all except one Club members – the Britten Serenade, Hindemith Trauermusik, Strauss Duett-Concertino and Debussy Danses. The new season follows this with a rousing start on 21st September, a chamber and vocal programme of works by anniversary composers marking 1874/1924 – Ives, Fauré, Busoni and Schönberg. The season will comprise 21 concerts, 16 of them on Saturdays, 5 on Wednesdays, and one Online, continuing a tradition begun during lockdown which brings together friends from home and abroad. Full details of dates and organisers can be seen on the Club website.
The traditional major events of the Club calendar continue – the AGM concert will feature works by Britten and Shostakovich, again with four Club soloists, and soon after Rob Smith will host Nothing Too Serious. The Concerto Workshop will take place next March, the Behrmans and Peter Wall will again organise a Strings Day in April and, for the third year running a two-piano concert will be kindly hosted by Claire Kitchin in May. In the absence of a wind coordinator there will sadly be no specific wind event but led by our energetic and creative vocal coordinator Adrienne Walters there will be another operatic/vocal ensembles concert in May. The 2024 Concerto Workshop was incidentally the first to have more vocal soloists than instrumental. In June a concert of music by Poulenc will follow the successful model of the Tchaikovsky event last November, featuring songs, chamber and piano music, and once again this will be organised by Geneviève Usher. Dace Ruklisa and Rob Keeley will curate a programme revolving around 20th century classics as will Nick Reading for an Eastertide concert.
Other concerts will be organised by members from across the disciplines and feature several first-timers who have made distinguished contributions as performers, among them Liz Hart and Mike Wells. Norman Starritt's January concert will make a special effort to encourage those who perform more rarely, not necessarily as soloists but perhaps in ensembles of various forms. Membership Secretary Rob Keeley will once again host an event giving pride of place to our newer members.
So now is the time to start thinking about contributions and submitting ideas to organisers. The Open Concert on October 12th still has plenty of space as do others later in the season. As ever, don't wait to be asked, come forward with your own ideas and encourage as wide a participation as you can – this is the essence of the Club.
I look forward to an exciting season!
Rupert Bawden
Music Secretary